👋🏼 Hi,

👋🏼 Hi,

👋🏼 Hi,




Nicole —

Nicole —

Nicole —

award-winning product

award-winning product



designer, leader, &

designer, leader, &


leader, &




I’m currently a Lead/Principal Product Designer & Sr. Manager at Matterport, creating the future of immersive experiences in digital twins. I lead our XR tooling, patented generative AI, award-winning datafication initiatives, and a crew of incredibly talented designers. I also run a small innovation shop — Morphic Studio.

I’m currently a Lead/Principal Product Designer & Sr. Manager at Matterport, creating the future of immersive experiences in digital twins. I lead our XR tooling, patented generative AI, award-winning datafication initiatives, and a crew of incredibly talented designers. I also run a small innovation shop — Morphic Studio.

Open to New Opportunities






















Case studies

Case studies

Case studies







0 to 1

0 to 1

0 to 1










3D / XR

0 → 1

Capturing a new user segment & disrupting the landscape of interior design, architecture, and space planning with the magic of big data & AI solutions.

Capturing a new user segment & disrupting the landscape of interior design, architecture, and space planning with the magic of big data & AI solutions.

Read the case study ↗

Dark-Mode In-Device
Dark-Mode In-Device
Dark-Mode In-Device
Semi-Final Web
Semi-Final Web
Semi-Final Web
Semi-Final Mobile
Semi-Final Mobile
Semi-Final Mobile
Site Map
Site Map
Site Map




3D / XR

0 → 1

Connecting people across distances to solving problems & enabling a new era of remote collaboration with XR video.

Connecting people across distances to solving problems & enabling a new era of remote collaboration with XR video.

Read the case study (password: alohomora) ↗

Read the case study

(password: alohomora) ↗



How I Lead

How I motivate & support my cross-functional partners, product teams, and direct reports.

How I motivate & support my cross-functional partners, product teams, and direct reports.

Coming soon 🔜
















Teressa Chizeck

Chief Design Officer at Streem

"Nicole always goes above and beyond, both in her role as PD lead and as a teammate. She is a leader who is thoughtful, kind and driven. She demonstrates all of our house rules. She obsesses over customer problems, making their needs center to her decision making as a designer. She is an owner, always striving to a higher standard and taking the initiative. Nicole is a trusted colleague, acting with integrity and honesty. She does good every day, bringing joy, humor, respect and empathy to our team and company as a whole."

Teressa Chizeck

Chief Design Officer at Streem

"Nicole always goes above and beyond, both in her role as PD lead and as a teammate. She is a leader who is thoughtful, kind and driven. She demonstrates all of our house rules. She obsesses over customer problems, making their needs center to her decision making as a designer. She is an owner, always striving to a higher standard and taking the initiative. Nicole is a trusted colleague, acting with integrity and honesty. She does good every day, bringing joy, humor, respect and empathy to our team and company as a whole."

Teressa Chizeck

CDO at Streem

"Nicole always goes above and beyond, both in her role as PD lead and as a teammate. She is a leader who is thoughtful, kind and driven. She demonstrates all of our house rules. She obsesses over customer problems, making their needs center to her decision making as a designer. She is an owner, always striving to a higher standard and taking the initiative. Nicole is a trusted colleague, acting with integrity and honesty. She does good every day, bringing joy, humor, respect and empathy to our team and company as a whole."

Dave Lippmann

Chief Design Officer at Matterport

"Consistently far exceeds expectations. Change Agent. Always leans in. Leader in strategy, craft, PDE operations and go-to person for multiple product teams and surfaces. Partners across the business to improve everything she gets involved in. Embodies the philosophy that design is everywhere and can help everyone. Is able to align difficult stakeholders and make it look easy. Has taken multiple projects that were on fire and not only put the fires out, but transformed the work to be successful."

Dave Lippmann

Chief Design Officer at Matterport

"Consistently far exceeds expectations. Change Agent. Always leans in. Leader in strategy, craft, PDE operations and go-to person for multiple product teams and surfaces. Partners across the business to improve everything she gets involved in. Embodies the philosophy that design is everywhere and can help everyone. Is able to align difficult stakeholders and make it look easy. Has taken multiple projects that were on fire and not only put the fires out, but transformed the work to be successful."

Neal Poeppelmeier

Director of Product Management at Matterport

"Nicole has provided a great framework by which to look through and evaluate dozens of ideas…. she seeds each idea and keeps evolving it. Think of it like a snowball, which gets rolled and rolled over months, and then becomes a snowman. So much of this work happens under the radar too - you'll often hear about an idea from the executive team, but what you may not know is it was seeded months prior by Nicole. It's fun to see her ideas evolve and grow."

Neal Poeppelmeier

Director of Product Management at Matterport

"Nicole has provided a great framework by which to look through and evaluate dozens of ideas…. she seeds each idea and keeps evolving it. Think of it like a snowball, which gets rolled and rolled over months, and then becomes a snowman. So much of this work happens under the radar too - you'll often hear about an idea from the executive team, but what you may not know is it was seeded months prior by Nicole. It's fun to see her ideas evolve and grow."

Neal Poeppelmeier

Product Management Dir.

"Nicole has provided a great framework by which to look through and evaluate dozens of ideas…. she seeds each idea and keeps evolving it. Think of it like a snowball, which gets rolled and rolled over months, and then becomes a snowman. So much of this work happens under the radar too - you'll often hear about an idea from the executive team, but what you may not know is it was seeded months prior by Nicole. It's fun to see her ideas evolve and grow."

Anonymous Feedback

From Coworkers at Streem

"Applause for Nicole and team’s awesome work pulling the [client] engagement together. They’ve handled the client very well, keeping them engaged and listening to their feedback, while not letting them go totally off the rails. +1 to their ability to navigate such a large organization, raise concerns when needed, be leaders in conversations and convey we are experts in the space. Their process has allowed them to deliver a great working environment with that partnership."

Anonymous Feedback

From Coworkers at Streem

"Applause for Nicole and team’s awesome work pulling the [client] engagement together. They’ve handled the client very well, keeping them engaged and listening to their feedback, while not letting them go totally off the rails. +1 to their ability to navigate such a large organization, raise concerns when needed, be leaders in conversations and convey we are experts in the space. Their process has allowed them to deliver a great working environment with that partnership."

Chris Franklin

CIO at Matterport

"Her work on the product development lifecycle has been instrumental to positive change here. She truly embodies what it is to be a leader and a change agent. She has a great track record and when she pushes for something, people know it's a good idea."

Chris Franklin

CIO at Matterport

"Her work on the product development lifecycle has been instrumental to positive change here. She truly embodies what it is to be a leader and a change agent. She has a great track record and when she pushes for something, people know it's a good idea."

RJ Pittman

CEO at Matterport

"Nicole brought this team together to create a visionary pitch... You know how rare it is when I have no notes. It’s time to build this future. Whatever we need to do, we’re going to make this happen. (1 year later, upon entering Beta for our first product release) This isn't easy to do. Congrats on a blockbuster successful launch!"

RJ Pittman

CEO at Matterport

"Nicole brought this team together to create a visionary pitch... You know how rare it is when I have no notes. It’s time to build this future. Whatever we need to do, we’re going to make this happen. (1 year later, upon entering Beta for our first product release) This isn't easy to do. Congrats on a blockbuster successful launch!"

Vina Mistry

Head of Streem EMEA

"Clients love when Nicole joins our calls. They love the contact with someone on the ground that's building the product. They feel listened to, and like action is being taken toward their needs. I'm amazed by how tactfully she can control discussions."

Vina Mistry

Head of Streem EMEA

"Clients love when Nicole joins our calls. They love the contact with someone on the ground that's building the product. They feel listened to, and like action is being taken toward their needs. I'm amazed by how tactfully she can control discussions."

Timothy Wittig

Staff Engineer at Slack (and also my husband)

"Her superpower is helping people understand that they're wrong without making them feel like they're wrong. She brings them along on a journey of discovery. She shows people how to get there, instead of explicitly telling them where to go."

Timothy Wittig

Staff Engineer at Slack (and also my husband)

"Her superpower is helping people understand that they're wrong without making them feel like they're wrong. She brings them along on a journey of discovery. She shows people how to get there, instead of explicitly telling them where to go."

Timothy Wittig

Staff Engineer at Slack

"Her superpower is helping people understand that they're wrong without making them feel like they're wrong. She brings them along on a journey of discovery. She shows people how to get there, instead of explicitly telling them where to go."










Can you describe your design process from concept to execution?

Can you share a project where you faced significant design challenges? How did you overcome them?

How do you collaborate with cross-functional teams, such as product managers and engineers?

How do you prioritize design initiatives in alignment with business goals?

How do you approach presenting your design work to stakeholders?

Can you describe your design process from concept to execution?

Can you share a project where you faced significant design challenges? How did you overcome them?

How do you collaborate with cross-functional teams, such as product managers and engineers?

How do you prioritize design initiatives in alignment with business goals?

How do you approach presenting your design work to stakeholders?

Can you describe your design process from concept to execution?

Can you share a project where you faced significant design challenges? How did you overcome them?

How do you collaborate with cross-functional teams, such as product managers and engineers?

How do you prioritize design initiatives in alignment with business goals?

How do you approach presenting your design work to stakeholders?

Nicole Guernsey

Innovation, Design, Strategy

Innovation, Design, Strategy

<canvas class="fireworks" width="3692" height="2280"></canvas>
	background-color: desaturate(darken(#fff, 50%), 60%);
var fireworks = (function() {

  var canvasEl = document.querySelector('.fireworks');
  var ctx = canvasEl.getContext('2d');
  var numberOfParticules = Number(location.href.split('?')[1]) || 40;
  var pointerX = 0;
  var pointerY = 0;
  var tap = ('ontouchstart' in window || navigator.msMaxTouchPoints) ? 'touchstart' : 'mousedown';
  var colors = ['#FFf', '#ababab', '#fff', '#ababab'];

  function setCanvasSize() {
    canvasEl.width = window.innerWidth * 2;
    canvasEl.height = window.innerHeight * 2;
    canvasEl.style.width = window.innerWidth + 'px';
    canvasEl.style.height = window.innerHeight + 'px';
    canvasEl.getContext('2d').scale(2, 2);

  function updateCoords(e) {
    pointerX = e.clientX || e.touches[0].clientX;
    pointerY = e.clientY || e.touches[0].clientY;

  function setParticuleDirection(p) {
    var angle = anime.random(0, 360) * Math.PI / 180;
    var value = anime.random(50, 180);
    var radius = [-1, 1][anime.random(0, 1)] * value;
    return {
      x: p.x + radius * Math.cos(angle),
      y: p.y + radius * Math.sin(angle)

  function createParticule(x,y) {
    var p = {};
    p.x = x;
    p.y = y;
    p.color = colors[anime.random(0, colors.length - 1)];
    p.radius = anime.random(2, 8);
    p.endPos = setParticuleDirection(p);
    p.draw = function() {
      ctx.arc(p.x, p.y, p.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true);
      ctx.fillStyle = p.color;
    return p;

  function createCircle(x,y) {
    var p = {};
    p.x = x;
    p.y = y;
    p.color = '#FFF';
    p.radius = 0.1;
    p.alpha = .5;
    p.lineWidth = 6;
    p.draw = function() {
      ctx.globalAlpha = p.alpha;
      ctx.arc(p.x, p.y, p.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true);
      ctx.lineWidth = p.lineWidth;
      ctx.strokeStyle = p.color;
      ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
    return p;

  function renderParticule(anim) {
    for (var i = 0; i < anim.animatables.length; i++) {

  function animateParticules(x, y) {
    var circle = createCircle(x, y);
    var particules = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < numberOfParticules; i++) {
      particules.push(createParticule(x, y));
      targets: particules,
      x: function(p) { return p.endPos.x; },
      y: function(p) { return p.endPos.y; },
      radius: 0.1,
      duration: anime.random(1200, 2200),
      easing: 'easeOutExpo',
      update: renderParticule
      targets: circle,
      radius: anime.random(80, 160),
      lineWidth: 0,
      alpha: {
        value: 0,
        easing: 'linear',
        duration: anime.random(600, 1200),  
      duration: anime.random(1200, 2200),
      easing: 'easeOutExpo',
      update: renderParticule,
      offset: 0

  var render = anime({
    duration: Infinity,
    update: function() {
      ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvasEl.width, canvasEl.height);

  document.addEventListener(tap, function(e) {
    window.human = true;
    animateParticules(pointerX, pointerY);
    ga('send', 'event', 'Fireworks', 'Click');
  }, false);

  window.addEventListener('resize', setCanvasSize, false);

  return {
    render: render,
    setCanvasSize: setCanvasSize,
    animateParticules: animateParticules


window.onload = function() {